The CTCS Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) mission is to promote Christian fellowship within our school community, to encourage unity and communication among the school board, administration, teachers and parents. Through our fundraising efforts, we assist in improving the facilities and the atmosphere at CTCS all with the purpose of educating students with the transforming truth of Christ through Kingdom Education.
There is no need to sign up to join. Everybody is automatically a part of the PTF. We have meetings every month in the cafeteria at 8:15 am.
I encourage each of you to attend and participate in PTF. Your involvement in our school is very important because it helps us to not only accomplish our goals but to bring about a sense of unity. Getting involved in these different events and activities is also a great way to be a part of your child’s life here at CTCS where they spend most of their days!
PTF Bylaws
The full name of the organization is Central Texas Christian School Parent Teacher Fellowship…hereafter referred to as the PTF.
The mission of the Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) at Central Texas Christian School is to promote Christian fellowship within the school community; to encourage unity and communication among the administration, educators and parents. With time, funds raised, and prayer we assist in improving programs, facilities, and the atmosphere within CTCS, all with the intentional purpose of educating students with the transforming truth of Christ through Kingdom Education.
“Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus” Romans 15:5
The CTCS PTF shall be nonprofit, nonsectarian and nonpartisan.
The PTF shall work with the school to help provide quality education for children and youth. The PTF recognizes that the Administration and Board of Directors as having the responsibilities to make decisions about school policy.
All members of the PTF and the PTF board are strictly voluntary positions.
CTCS PTF is a parent-operated fellowship that supports CTCS. Group membership is automatic, and consists of all teachers, school staff, parents, guardians, family members who wish to promote the goals and mission of CTCS PTF.
Officers shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and past President. These officers form the PTF Executive Board.
A nominating committee chaired by the Vice President will make nomination of officers for the approaching May installation. The committee should have a minimum of three nominees, and candidates must be approved by the school’s administration.
Officers shall assume their official duties at the close of the school year and shall serve until their successors take office.
If a PTF office is vacated prior to completion of term, the remaining PTF Executive Board members shall appoint a successor to complete the term. A majority vote secures the candidate for the office.
DUTIES TO INCLUDE1. Schedule, prepare agenda for and preside over monthly executive meetings and general meetings.
2. Serve as liaison between the administration and the PTF.
3. Maintain communication with Head of School with updates.
4. Maintain communication with Chairs & Vice-Chairs on status of events.
5. Assign officer to oversee new committees approved by PTF Executive Board.
6. Oversee the following committees by staying in contact with the chairperson and being available for informational assistance:
- Welcome/Ambassador Families
- HRM, CC and PM Committee
- Grandparent’s Day (Book Fair, Dad’s Night)
- Walk-A-Thon (Pre-K Carnival, Art Auction)
The office of President is recognized as a one-year term. In addition to this one-year term, he/she will also serve as Past President for one year following the Presidency.
vice president
DUTIES TO INCLUDE1. Attend monthly executive meetings and general meetings.
2. Perform duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to act, and shall assist the President when called upon.
3. In case of vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President until the next annual appointment.
4. A nominating committee chaired by the vice-president will make nomination of officers for the approaching May installation. The committee should have a minimum of three people, and candidates must be approved by the school’s administration.
5. Oversee the following committees by staying in contact with the chairperson and be available for informational assistance:
- Teacher’s Lounge (Main Lounge and MS Lounge)
- Used Uniforms
- Box Tops
- Faculty/Staff Birthday Gifts
The office of Vice President is recognized as a one-year term. In addition to this one-year term, he/she will also serve as President following the Vice Presidency.
DUTIES TO INCLUDE1. Take and prepare Minutes of PTF general meetings
2. Attend monthly executive meetings and general meetings
3. Make sure members sign in at the general meetings
4. Responsible for nametags at general meetings
5. Responsible for decorating at the general meetings
6. Checking in/out of PTF property (i.e. tablecloths, etc.)
7. Oversee the following committees by staying in contact with the chairperson and be available for informational assistance:
- Teacher’s Favorites
- Teacher’s Wish List
- Boo-Hoo Yee-Haw Breakfast
- Monthly Teacher Luncheons
The office of Secretary is recognized as a one-year term.
DUTIES TO INCLUDE1. Attend monthly executive meetings and general meetings
2. Oversee PTF Annual Operating Budget.
3. Review monthly PTF financial statements relating to all PTF events.
4. Work with Committee Chairs on event expenditures and budget.
5. Responsible for the counting and deposit of all monies of the PTF.
6. Request checks as directed by the PTF and distribute reimbursements.
7. Work with executive board and new incoming Treasure (if applicable) to prepare operating budget for the forthcoming school year.
8. Oversee the following committees by staying in contact with the chairperson and be available for informational assistance.
- Pizza Friday Committee
- Teacher Appreciation Committee
The office of Treasurer is recognized as a two-year term.
past president
DUTIES TO INCLUDE1. Attend monthly executive meetings and general meetings
2. Oversee the following committees by staying in contact with the chairperson and be available for informational assistance:
- School Supply Committee
- Back to School BBQ
- Assists President in an advisory position
The office of Past President is recognized as a one-year term.
The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of PTF.
The President and Vice President will appoint vacancies of chairpersons in the case of resignation of chairperson prior to end term. Exiting chairpersons should submit their resignation to the President in writing. President and Vice President will make appointment of new chair.
New committees may be formed by a vote of the Executive Board.
The Board’s duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following: transacting necessary business, creating committees, approving committee work plans, reporting board activities to the PTF at general meetings, approving and maintaining a budget.
The Executive Board may transact business at intervals between meetings.
The Executive Board will prepare a budget for the next school year.
Board meetings will be conducted within a week of a general PTF meeting.
Each committee shall have a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson. The term of the Committee Chairperson shall be one year, with the Vice Chair becoming Chairperson the following year. In lieu of this procedure, a chairperson may remain as chair with a term limit of two years, with approval from the PTF president and vice-president.
1. Represent committee during PTF meetings.
2. Establish mission of the committee, with approval of Executive Board.
3. Recruit members.
4. Maintain contact with members via phone, email or meetings as needed.
5. Communicate with president and vice-president of committee activities and needs.
6. Prepare a budget to be submitted to the Executive Board and approved before release of funds from PTF treasurer.
7. Prepare and present reports to Executive Board upon request.
8. Delegate duties, as necessary, to fulfill the mission of the committee.
9. Prepare an After Action Report (AAR) to be submitted to the PTF Executive Board for filing and the vice-chairperson or successor’s notebook.
10. Prepare publicity for event/committee activities or needs. To be approved by President and Head of School.
Each committee shall have a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson. The term of the Committee Chairperson shall be one year, with the Vice Chair becoming Chairperson the following year. In lieu of this procedure, a chairperson may remain as chair with a term limit of two years, with approval from the PTF president and vice-president.
1. Represent the committee during PTF meetings.
2. Work with chairs and committee members willingly to execute the mission of the committee.
PTF volunteer leaders, including officers and chairpersons, should:
1. Practice discretion and demonstrate integrity in conduct.
2. Practice pure speech.
3. Be a school supporter.
The PTF Executive Committee and the Head of School will examine a breach of code of conduct. Possible resignation of position may occur if deemed appropriate by PTF Executive board and Administration.
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8
At least three general meetings of the PTF will be conducted during the school year. These will be announced at least one week prior to the general membership.
The May meeting shall be the initiation meeting of the new officers and chairpersons for the following school year.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all case to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order of the organization may adopt.
Recommendations for amendments may be referred to the Executive Board and Superintendent for study.
Approved amendments will be posted for 10 days prior to the April meetings for voting of membership.
Amendment will pass with a majority vote will be included in the by-laws.
All funds donated, raised, or acquired by the PTF are to be used exclusively to support and enhance Central Texas Christian School.
No part of the gross earnings of the PTF shall benefit or be distributed to any officers, members, or private persons.
Officers and members will be reimbursed appropriately for out of pocket expenses that were paid on behalf of the PTF. Expenses must receive prior approval by Treasurer for purposes of reimbursement. In the event of the dissolution of the PTF, the organization’s assets shall be turned over to Central Texas Christian School in Temple, Texas, and all records submitted to the Head of School.
Please consider how you can invest your time and resources to support our students and the vision of CTCS